It’s been awhile since my last post and much as happened in the past year or so.   However, I continue to run no matter where I am.  As noted in the title of this entry, I am intending to get back to entering blog posts on a regular basis.

California Coast
California Central Coast

So…what has happened lately?  The big, life changing experience this year has been our move from the outdoor paradise of Boulder County , Colorado to the outdoor paradise of San Luis Obispo County, California.  For a trail runner like me, I sure can’t complain about either of those locations.  Over the years, I think I ran nearly every trail in Boulder County and there are many ranging from the flat trails of the plains to the mountainous 13,000 foot continental divide trails.   Running those trails and crossing paths with legends like Scott Jurek, Anton Krupicka and the Gouchers was awesome.  But, after 17 years in that environment, it became a little too familiar.  The excitement kind of wore off.  So, a new job came along at with a great organization, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), and we’re back to experiencing the novelty of exploring new trails in a new environment.  This time we have an ocean and beaches to run on!

The first several months in California were spent pounding the pavement as I trained for the New York City Marathon which I had secured entry to in 2012.  As most now know, that race was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy after many of us arrived in New York.  That on it’s own will be the topic of another blog entry.

Only now after 6 months on the California Central Coast is the trail running exploration really beginning.  There have been tastes of steep climbs, rocky single tracks, rolling meadows and tree lined pastures all laced with great views of the surrounding hills and the ocean backdrop.  The trail running potential here is very high.  I’ll report back on specific trails and races as I see and experience them.