A recent study published in the August 2014 issue of The Journal of the American College of Cardiology seems to indicate that runners live longer than non-runners.  That seems like a pretty generalized statement, but the data from the study supports


this.  It appears that even minimal running (5-10 minutes/day) provides significant reductions in mortality rates of 30% for all causes of death and 45% for cardiovascular causes.  The study also shows that those who run longer distances don’t have an advantage over those that run short distances.  In fact, based on a chart in the article, it appears that those who run more the 20 miles/wk or run 6 or more times per week have a slightly reduced benefit.

If we believe this study, which appears credible, being consistent about our running can provide us with the benefit of longevity.  It doesn’t matter how far we run, just that we do it.  Hmmm…. could be the tag line for running shoe company.